Though not as scary as the Great White Goblin from the Hobbit, skiing up Gobblers Knob and running up Grandeur peak in winter, still packs a tough one armed punch.
Today's adventures got started last night with Spence shuttling a car to Porters TH up Millcreek Canyon. This morning Pete, Court, and I met at Spence's house then began up Big Cottonwood Canyon to Bulters TH. Conditions were very icy on the south facing slopes as we cruised up through the crisp forest. Nice sunny temps merged with a fast pace to create a stellar morning. Right up to were Pete's binding broke off his ski. Dope. Were were two thirds of the way up Gobblers where he turned and post holed and sledded on his behind back tot the car. Not a great morning for Pete. We continued up and summited in under 3 hours total and eagerly basked in the sun. The shady North Face made for great skiing up high, then a gully swack, finished off my 2 miles of icy crowded trail going way to fast.
View from Gobblers of Kessler Peak. The left line in God's Lawn mower, which I skied 2 weeks ago.
Mount Raymound
Pete right before his ski broke
Spence tackling the first of many cornices on the summit ridge.
On the way home I remembered that SLC ultra athlete Jared Campbell was having his annual "run as many times up Grandeur Peak as you can in one day" to create awareness for clean air and raise $. So, I stopped and ran up the west face of Grandeur 2.2 miles to the top with 3300 feet of vertical gain, ie super steep. Amazing that Jared was shooting for 12 accents of the peak today! If my day was like unto a big fat white goblin then he is up against Sauron riding a Balrog. He should be on his last couple of climbs as I type this. The run up took 1 hr 15 minutes (2.1 miles, 3300 vert.) The run/slide down took 29 minutes. Then I got to spend the whole after noon and evening with Izzy and A at the children museum. Great Saturday.

View from Grandeur, source
Total stats for the day.
About 13 miles and 6900 vert
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