Monday, October 8, 2012

Near Sub-2 Hour c2c Olympus

I cruised down to SLC to enjoy the cooler Temps and great scenery on this fine Dia de Colon.  I did not have much time so I decided to hit up Olympus.  I left the car at 1:10 and summited at 2:33.  For an accent time of  1:23 hrs.  It definitely felt steeper than Mount Timpanogous so I thought I would look up the exact comparison. Olympus is 4,100 feet of vertical gain in 3.75 miles (from Pete's Rock) and Timp is 4,389 vert in 7 miles (From Timpooneke).  Pretty much twice as steep! I could feel it for sure.  My legs were heavy and I was wasted at the top. It is hard on the decent to really pick up the speed due to the technical nature of the trail... oh and did I say steep.  I ate it hard twice, once bashing both knees.  Still a great run and finished in 2:10 hrs.  That includes a little small talk on the summit and not eating lunch first, so I think I could hit my goal of 2 hours car2car next time. Best be hurrying before the snows come.